Project repository
Audio Replacer
Web-based audio replacement tool
Audio Replacer is a web-based tool that allows users to easily and seamlessly merge the audio and video tracks from two separate files. It's possible to upload audio, image and video files. Audio Replacer runs entirely locally in the browser, so no data is sent to a server.
Discord Portal
Connections across servers
Discord Portal is a Discord bot that enables cross-server communication by linking channels together. A channel can serve as an entrypoint to a Portal, and any message sent in that channel will be sent to all other channels linked to the Portal. This allows for a seamless experience for users, as they can communicate with people from other servers without having to leave their own.
Levels bot for Discord
A bot designed to track activity and assign levels to users. Consists of a Discord bot and a web interface. The web interface is used to purchase backgrounds for your profile. A redesign of the web interface was in progress, but the entire proejct has since been abandoned.
Time travelling puzzle game
NULLMORIA is a puzzle game made for a high school project. The game is about travelling through two moments in time, and using the effects of time travel to solve puzzles. The game is made in Unity, and the code is written in C#. The game was made in collaboration with Spurb. There currently isn't a playable version of the game, but you can clone the reposity and build it yourself.
Steam Recommender
A Steam game recommender
This is a very simple web-based Steam game recommender. You log in with your Steam account, rate the games you've played by either upvoting or downvoting them, and the website shows you game matching your ratings. It was created as a high school programming project in collaboration with Spurb and Mluo.
TAL: Tracker for AniList
Automatically track the anime you watch on Kodi to your AniList account
(WIP: The tool has barely started development). TAL is a Kodi plugin that automatically tracks any watched anime to your AniList account. It interacts with both the Kodi and AniList APIs to do this. Development is currently on hold.